I am an avid reader interested in great leadership, philosophy, feminism, mindfulness and entrepreneurship. Here is what I am reading this month, August 2017.

The Hard Thing about Hard Things

by Ben Horowitz

Ben Horowitz writes about building a business when there are no easy answers. An intimate view of the Silicon Valley culture with practical leadership advice on building tech teams, making difficult choices and how to hire people (and fire them!).

All our Waves are Water

by Jaimal Yogis

In this meditative memoir, Yogis reflects on his journey towards enlightenment. A beautiful story about living a meaningful life and the happiness that is already ours. 

The 4-Hour Workweek

by Timothy Ferriss 

A wonderful motivational book about writing your own rules in life. What is it that you want to achieve? Who owns your dream? Aim high, be gutsy and change your mindset.

The Wisdom of Psychopaths

by Kevin Dutton

What Saints, Spies and Serial Killers can teach us about success. A book about lessons we can learn from psychopaths like fearlessness, charm and craftiness. It makes you think different about charismatic leaders such as Bill Clinton and John F. Kennedy.

What the Buddha Taught

by Walpola Rahula

A very thorough and simple introduction to Buddhism.